Woke Capital

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Is big business doing the right thing for both America (that’s you) and its shareholders? Unfortunately, the answer seems to be no. What we have is a corporatocracy, which is the collusion between business and government, but where government is subservient to the corporations. This means the corporations are in charge and they’re essentially imposing their will on us from the top down. Stephen Soukup shares his insights on woke capital.

Hollywood and Culture War

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

An economic war on entertainment is going on in America. Has China decided Hollywood is one of the key American industries it wants to influence? Money controls the agenda and what gets produced. Too often the films that are funded are the ones that bring a leftist worldview. Is there a plan to influence America’s culture through entertainment? Kevin and Sam Sorbo discuss their vision for more movies that are based on real people who inspire viewers to do greater things in life! Plus, their new movie release and Sam Sorbo’s new book, “They’re Your Kids.”


Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

The American dollar has been the primary reserve currency since World War II. If our adversaries get their way, it will be replaced sooner than we’d like. And when it is replaced, it likely will be a cryptocurrency at the heart of the new system. Kevin Freeman provides an introductory primer on Bitcoin and the basics of cryptocurrency in general, along with Blockchain and its many applications for your future. How you might buy Bitcoin, why you shouldn’t, and maybe why you should.

HR1 - The Liberty Killer

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Nancy Pelosi has a radical plan in place to change America through a new bill, House Resolution One (HR-1). Democrats recognize they are losing power at the state level, and they are scared. HR-1 is designed for the federal government to take formal control of the voting process and is part of the permanent Democrat takeover of the U.S. government. This is clearly in defiance of the intent of our founders as expressed in the American Constitution.

Energy - Troy Andrews

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Biden promises to ban fracking, and pipelines are being shut down. Energy independence is a national security threat, but Biden appears more aligned with Putin’s and Xi’s needs than America’s. These policies will cost American consumers and our energy markets. Even tribal lands that benefit from energy are concerned about loss of revenue to care for their communities. Lately it seems like nobody wants to own energy stocks, as Wall Street divest trillions of dollars in fossil fuels. Without investment, America will be completely energy-dependent on our adversaries.

Things Have Changed

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

ALERT:  What worked well with your investments over the past 40 years may not work so well going forward! America could be facing an inflection point that may turn investing upside down. The geopolitical and economic environment is changing dramatically. Those who miss the change will not only miss a great opportunity, but may also face some dire investment consequences. Is your portfolio prepared for economic upheaval? Kevin Freeman provides market insights from the past that may be about to happen again.

ESG Bubble

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Environmental, social, and governance stocks (ESG) have rapidly grown to over $40 trillion dollars. ThatÕs more than the entire United States federal debt, more than our entire economy produces in a year, and more than all the stocks on our stock market. Surprisingly, this category of funds is poorly defined; almost no one really knows what it means. Many fund managers are literally using client money to support their social agenda above the returns of investors. To make matters worse, some believe this is a bubble in the making.

Ben Carson Event / 6 Steps

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

It is time for Americans to wake up to what is happening today! It is much like WWII all over again when Hitler was racing across Europe. For a while, America was asleep and sitting on the sidelines. We had education failures, we had mass political correctness, compromised media, and failed politicians. This is all happening again today, but this time with a socialist Marxist ideology in America. Kevin Freeman and Dr. Ben Carson have teamed up to sound an alarm on what America needs to do now and the importance of standing together for liberty.

De-Dollarization - Israel - Skype

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Dr. Gal Luft joins the Economic War Room to discuss his new book, De-Dollarization: The Revolt Against the Dollar and the Rise of a New Financial World Order. Dr. Luft, an expert on energy, economics, and currencies, warns American politicians of the importance of understanding geo-economics even more than geo-politics. Learn why the U.S. reserve currency is at risk and what it really means to America. Rogue governments and revisionist countries are working to push the dollar away from America. Dr.

China 3 - Liberty Summit

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

China is celebrating the transition of power from President Trump to President Biden, and that provides reason for concern. A closer look at the Chinese Communist Party’s threat against America from the Committee on Present Danger. Kevin Freeman host a panel of experts to address the real threats the media, Wall Street, and mega corporations are not discussing. Learn more about China’s economic war with America and domestic enablers within the U.S. who are aiding them. Make no mistake, the prioritization of profits over American labor and our national security is a present danger!