Dan Grant 2nd Vote

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Your first vote is at the ballot box and your second vote is how you use your money. Dan Grant, CEO and co-founder of 2nd Vote Funds, shares how they initially started their research firm years ago to educate consumers on what companies are doing with their advocacy and their philanthropy. Now they have launched 2nd Vote Funds offering socially conservative investment products that allow investors to align their values with their investments.

Dr. Ben Carson #2

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Dr. Ben Carson joins the Economic War Room to share his experience as the U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. His free-market approach brought accountability and results! The result: poverty reduced by 11%. Compare this to Biden’s American jobs plan, which could cost taxpayers about $666,000 per job created. Closing the wealth gap is solvable, but it only works with free markets. It is time be brave and stand up. Learn more about how the NSIC and Dr. Carson’s American Cornerstone Institute will be working together to make a difference!

Bill Gertz

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Bill Gertz, a top national security reporter, shares insights from his new book, “How China’s Communist Party Made the World Sick,” describing how COVID-19 has become the ultimate economic weapon and how China has corrupted the World Health Organization for its political gain. Plus, actions America should take now to prevent this crisis from happening again. Bill Gertz joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room.

Frank Holmes - What's Hot

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Prices are going up on everything! Frank Holmes, CEO and chief investment officer of U.S. Global Investors, is back in the Economic War Room to share investment insights during inflationary times. Investors who understand the impact of a new administration’s policies have the first-move advantage. Is it time to hedge with gold and digital currencies? We are now in a digital world! PayPal won’t let you buy stocks or ETFs, but you can buy and trade a fraction of a bitcoin. What this means and the potential high-growth industries he has identified as we exit the COVID pandemic.

Blatant Hypocrisy

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

NOTE: MUST-WATCH EPISODE! There is a solution! In this exclusive teaching series, Kevin Freeman shares what is really happening to America with its radical Left agenda. Progressives have fixed the game and are in control. We’re being led down the path to socialism by our own government that we pay for with our taxes. Also, by the big corporations that we own stock in and support with our spending. We have the votes. We are the owners. We are the taxpayers. We are the customers. And according to the Constitution, we the people are the sovereign. This is our country.

All Enemies Foreign & Domestic

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Kevin Freeman shares his insights into the growing communist influence in America and how we got here. We are facing a war on multiple fronts. It is a battle between the collective vs. the individual, global vs. local, and now Wall Street and Corporate America. Make no mistake, it’s about money and power! It is clear that our enemies’ plan to take down America is having an impact. Mr. Freeman shares a closer look at the enemies waging this war and what we need to do now to win!

Everett Piper - Grow Up - Life isn't safe

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Dr. Everett Piper joins Kevin Freeman to share simple lessons for becoming a thinking, mature citizen. He shares how our enemies are watching America’s new culture of safety and weakness. When you can bring an entire nation to its knees by just telling its people that they might get sick, that tells you that we’re no longer a culture of adults. We’ve become a culture of children who would rather be comfortable than confronted. Many would rather be safe than free. It is time to get back to the qualities that made this country great. Dr.

Victory Begets Victory

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Economic War Room patriots are helping to win the global economic war! Every battle impacts your money, livelihood, and way of life directly. Kevin Freeman invites three special guests who are on the front lines of this economic war to share how Main Street America is the key to moving economic liberty forward for all. Success includes helping to stop the flow of American capital to the Chinese Communist Party, addressing the risk of Chinese control of 5G, and restarting American manufacture of critical pharmaceutical supplies.

Dr. Ben Carson

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Dr. Ben Carson joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss the importance of faith, liberty, community, and life. These are the principles that have guided Dr. Carson through life. As founder of the American Cornerstone Institute, he is using these same principles to focus on healing America by empowering Americans to act. Dr. Carson understands the war being waged on America and shares what he is doing now to help point our nation toward common good.

China Threat and Winning

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

While we are focused on COVID 19, and now racial riots, it is all being used to distract us from the real war designed to take down America. We are in an Economic War and China’s Communist Party is going for the jugular to dominate the global economy. There are globalist within the US that are happy to watch the decline of America as long as they profit. The Deep State is right in front of us, and they are investing the money of the working and middle class to work against your values.