Controlling the Narrative Means Silencing Any Opposition


Have you heard about the controversy over "Sound of Freedom"? That's one of this year's top-performing movies. It touches on a subject that the elite don't like: human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children. But unless you were paying attention, you probably never even knew that it was made, let alone released. But it's not the only film that makes the ruling elite nervous. Our friends Matt and Joy Thayer with Speropictures have made a beautiful movie titled "The Trump I Know," with interviews from those closest to the most controversial figure of our time, Donald Trump.

Pirate Money: The Founders' Fiat Money Escape Clause


The U.S. dollar is in trouble. The Federal Reserve continues to fiddle with the money supply and interest rates, but the dollar continues to decline. Kevin unpacks a 230-year-old solution that the Founders placed in the Constitution. Kevin discusses the highlights of his new book, "Pirate Money." This isn't only for those on the political Left or Right. It isn't just for Republicans or Democrats. It's not just for the wealthy or the poor. This is about economic justice, and reading it will make a real difference in your everyday life. Don't be intimidated. Be a pirate.

Economic Justice: The Founders' Hidden Plan


Our system has been rigged for too long to benefit the rich and powerful. Yet that wasn't the intent of the pioneers who founded and built America. When this country was first established, regular people had deep conversations and debates about money even 100 years ago. "What is money?" was a topic for regular discussion. It's about to be a topic again with central bank digital currency, something we talk about all the time on the program. But now when there's a discussion, it's going to be about money that's being forced on us without our input or our thought and used against us.

Pirates Knew What Real Money Was, So Did the Founders, and Now You Will Too


One hundred years ago, people thought money was a topic worth discussing. Before that, the founders talked about it all the time. Well, it's about to become a great topic again with central bank digital currency. Take a look at a $20 bill. Is this money? Unequivocally, yes. Today it is. But by historical standards, no. Wait, how can that be? It all depends on your perspective. Join Kevin as he takes you on a "National Treasure"-style hunt, searching through clues left by our founders of this great republic. They lived in a world of pirates.

China Can't Stop Talking About War, but America Is Not Listening

Author: dani@mediatech…

Where was China's leader the day that Janet Yellen arrived in Beijing to try to re-establish communication? Well, he was visiting the People's Liberation Army's Eastern Theater Command. The Eastern Theater Command is the one that is going to lead the attack on Taiwan. He was telling the soldiers there that they need to have breakthroughs in preparedness. It was another of his "let's go to war" speeches. Noted author and China expert Gordon Chang joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss the escalating threats of China's war talk and what must be done to counter it.

Exposing the Next Generation to America's Founding

Author: help@mediatech…

PragerU reports that 16% of Gen Z adults are proud to live in America, compared to 73% of Baby Boomers. That is to be expected when we have been pouring the poison of cultural Marxism into our education system for decades. Our kids have been taught America is bad. It's evil, and we've got a terrible track record of slavery and worse. But when you compare it to the rest of the world and the rest of history, America is the greatest, most powerful, most benevolent nation in world history, but these kids aren't proud of it because they've been lied to about who we are.

The Great Energy Scam

Author: help@mediatech…

Thanks to our private property rights in this country, there is an economic incentive to extract minerals to produce vital energy. The oil that is extracted powers our lives. We take energy for granted, but over 3.5 billion people only have intermittent electricity enough to power a refrigerator. We have enough known oil and gas energy reserves to power our civilization for the next thousand years. And it does produce so many more products than just electricity or gasoline for our cars.

In Honor of Juneteenth


Our most recent holiday, signed into law by President Biden, is loved by progressives. But I love it too, although for maybe different reasons. I love the impact, the meaning, power, and symbolism. We should celebrate that enslaved people learned of their freedom in Galveston, Texas on June 19, 1865. They were under the law of Heaven and earth already free.

Most Recent Episode The Financialization of Nature


The founders of this great country never intended for an overpowering federal government to control everything. They had a vision of free states united in commonalities but that were independent enough to protect individual liberty. This was tested with the Civil War, for sure. But even then, the idea was for states to work together but to function with independence on most matters of life. As western expansion passed the continental divide, the federal government grew more powerful, and states became more servants of the nation than independent parts of it.