Patrick Byrne - #1 Election - Deep Rig


Patrick Byrne is in the Economic War Room with his new first-hand account of what happened in the 2020 election.  Patrick includes highlights from his new book, The Deep Rig.  It includes documented foreign interference with China flipping the presidential results in five states. Also, the tactics used include the strategic interruption of counting and vote counts being shut down in targeted cities.

Socialism - The Enemy Within


America is facing a serious threat to our personal economics and the future of our nation. This next election really does come down to a choice between communism and freedom. Trevor Loudon joins the Economic War Room to discuss his documentation of the Marxist infiltration of our government and how the communists are targeting our churches, the bedrock of America and freedom. Also, Trevor shares his research and documentation on the Marxist communist takeover of the Democratic Party.

Salt and Light


It seems that WOKE corporations and boards are the new standards in the investment world today. It could be the boards have decided to push their own leftist agenda or that they believe there is a politically correct position to take that provides the path of least resistance. Regardless, as an investor, do you want the companies you have invested in to be moving with the perceived political correctness of the day or focused on the fundamentals of building a profitable business and return?

Gen Bob Dees 2


Major General Bob Dees joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss the greatest threat to America: our own economy and national debt. As a military strategist, General Dees understands the key elements of national power. In this day and age, he identifies the primary space for conflict as the economy. National debt and the moral aspects of our economy have been forgotten. As the national debt continues climbing and the nation’s leaders preach equity, how do we turn the country around from the damaging practices that hinder opportunity for Americans?

Reversing The Chinese Communist Curse


The Chinese Communist Party is executing its 100-year plan to dominate the world by 2045. But recently, the plan is starting to weaken. Did China plan the ultimate economic weapon with COVID-19? Also, former Rep. Dave Brat shares what happens if you get too close to the swamp and the power of trillions of dollars between nation-states. Plus, Economic War Room’s exciting new partnership with Liberty University to help get America on the right footing and align our investments with first principles.

Erik Davidson - Stakeholder Capitalism


Dr. Erik Davidson and Kevin Freeman share perspectives on the growing stakeholder capitalism trend and the economic risks ahead. Topics range from free markets, guaranteed government payments, mandated minimum wage, and NASDAQ-mandated board diversity. There is a proper role for the balance of government, but it appears to be going too far. Unfortunately, the woke version of stakeholder capitalism is happening now, and its economic impact will be devastating. Moral democratic capitalism is the real solution. Dr.

Rod Martin - The Future is Bright


Rod Martin, futurist, philosopher, capitalist, innovator, and part of the PayPal Mafia, shares the good things happening around us today! A look at exploration, innovation, and all the opportunities that are opening up in front of us! How we can build on the proven principles that reduce poverty and increase wealth. Amazing things are possible if we get aligned politically, economically, and spiritually!

Trump and Churchill


Nick Adams joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to compare the similarities between Winston Churchill and President Donald Trump. Topics include new insights as it relates to our current president and his similarities in style to Churchill. Both men were in a fight to save Western civilization. The people during World War II didn’t necessarily like Churchill. Many thought he was rude and crude. But he was God’s man for the hour and he helped save Western civilization.

Glenn Beck - Socialism


It’s time to bring truth, logic, and compassion back and reunite America on the principles that have improved lives so dramatically over the last 200 years. Glenn Beck joins the Economic War Room to discuss how we got to where we are today and what we need to do to get America back on track. Also, highlights from his new book, “Arguing with Socialists.”

Ben Carson Event / 6 Steps


It is time for Americans to wake up to what is happening today! It is much like WWII all over again when Hitler was racing across Europe. For a while, America was asleep and sitting on the sidelines. We had education failures, we had mass political correctness, compromised media, and failed politicians. This is all happening again today, but this time with a socialist Marxist ideology in America. Kevin Freeman and Dr. Ben Carson have teamed up to sound an alarm on what America needs to do now and the importance of standing together for liberty.