Liberty is the Answer


Foster Friess joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss three major initiatives he is leading for America: Transparency in health care prices, school safety, and defending free markets. Forbes named Foster Friess one of the “greatest investors of this generation,” along with Warren Buffett and John Templeton.

Privatized Communism


Communism and Nazism, once defeated, seem to be making a comeback in America today. In both cases, tyrant dictators believed the good of society in their minds overwhelmed any semblance of individual rights or liberty. The results were ugly, and everybody lost. By contrast, America was built on the notion of individual rights and liberty. The government is not supposed to be boss, but rather we the people are. Liberty and the people win! Unfortunately, our greed and complacency have allowed the weed of collectivism to take root and threaten the very liberties that make us great.

Evidence - Show Us The Ballots


Judge for yourself the evidence that too many legislators, judges, and the media do not want you to know. Kevin Freeman, walks through the big issues of the 2020 election with election fraud evidence that has never been debunked or refuted. Finally, a solution that should erase the doubts and settle the matter for fair-minded individuals. There is good news, find out how you can play an important role in healing and restoring America.

It 's Expensive to be Poor


A real life story of transformation, that seems made for a movie. Normally people move out of the “hood”, but not Randy Skinner. He moved his young family into the 11th poorest zip code in America. Randy moved in with a bold plan. He and his team took a free market business approach and removed the urban blight, cleaned up drug invested neighborhoods and reestablish businesses. Watch this powerful interview on how faith, liberty, and free markets are winning the war on poverty.

NRB Special


The Founding Fathers knew that the cornerstone of a free and prosperous people is religious freedom. In fact, most of the signers of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were men of faith. Even Thomas Jefferson understood the importance of a moral government and the relevance of Judeo-Christian values. This week the Economic War Room and host Kevin Freeman are on location at the National Religious Broadcaster (NRB) event, where he is joined by some very interesting guests.

The Black Economy


We have spent 20 trillion dollars on government programs to combat the war on poverty. This is an amount nearly equal to the entire US deficit! Many agree that instead of helping the poor, we created generational damage to these communities. It is time to make a real difference in America.  Economic War Room invites front-line leaders to share how they are fighting for justice, closing the wealth gap in urban cities, and making a real difference!  America can see a complete transformation for good by applying these free market economic principles.

Michele Bachmann


Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann joins Kevin Freeman to discuss the lawlessness we are seeing in Washington, D.C. What starting during the Obama-Biden administration with complete disregard for the Constitution continues today. All this intersects with money and national security. Unfortunately, America is being weakened economically and globally. We can no longer trust that our D.C. institutions are watching out for America and its citizens. It is now time to be thinking of parallel institutions.

Why Free Always Costs More


We are hearing more of give us free this and give us free that as the 2020 presidential election approaches.  America is a developed nation, there is no way we are going down the path of Zimbabwe or Germany. Never mind the twenty three trillion dollars and growing debt that we have. Kevin Freeman reviews the risks of third party payment, and the real trend lines with inflation in America today. Also, some positive policies being implemented that can start to get America back on track.

Gordon Chang and Frank Gaffney


China seems to play into all the equations, from U.S. national security to our economy and even our health. With recent reports of Joints Chiefs of Staff Chair Mark Milley stating he would warn China if we attacked, has our national security been compromised? Today, China’s economy is slowing, and it now appears China is more aggressively preparing a war footing. Nuclear missile sites are popping up around China, but is that the real threat? China’s ultimate weapon may be to depopulate the U.S. so it can colonize America.

China Hustle 2.0


Normally you would think accounting standards and controls would be required for foreign companies doing business in America. Yet the rules and regulations that other organizations follow do not apply to Chinese companies listed on American exchanges. Joel Caplan shares his story of how a Chinese NASDAQ-listed company defrauded him of millions of dollars. Warning: It is happening to thousands of Americans with investments in Chinese companies today, and they may not know it yet. It is buyer beware and time for our politicians to stop the fleece.