Space Force and Space Economics


Recently, multiple Democrats in Congress have called for abolishing the Space Force. They stated that space should be a shared global initiative designed only for peace. At the same time, our adversaries are playing a completely different game. Whoever controls space will control the world. Space is essential for our protection, prosperity, and values. Lt. General Steven Kwast (ret) joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to share the significant potential ahead and also the risks if the U.S. Space Force is not serving as the guardians.

Voter Fraud - Russ Ramsland


An election fraud update: Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin has conceded under pressure from Democrats and Republicans to maintain the “integrity” of the voting process.  A closer look at irregularities raises serious concerns about the need to look at the voter logs in this race and others.  Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman takes a closer look at what may really be going on behind the scenes.

Gordon Chang


While China’s involvement with COVID has been heavily discussed, key issues remain hidden. Once the virus escaped from the lab, the CCP’s purposeful intent to spread it around the globe was clear. China has discovered pandemics work and can be used to achieve its purpose. Today, with continued U.S./China involvement in gain-of-function research, there are a lot of guilty parties trying to cover things up. A further look at what’s next with China’s bioweapons development and what America needs to do now. We are in the biggest economic war ever!

Investing in our Adversary


To the American investor, institutions, and pension plans, these Chinese companies look like just another investment. Unfortunately, the portfolios of the members of Congress, the entire executive branch, the entire uniformed military, the entire intelligence community may soon be more invested in China than they realize. Imagine if our soldiers, our congressmen, and all those people that work in our government have an economic incentive to go soft on China rather than look out for the interests of the United States of America?

Patrick Byrne


Patrick Byrne shares insights he has been working on and further follow-up to Economic War Room’s reporting on election fraud. Professional hackers rate electronic voting systems security a 1.5 on a scale of 1 to 10. How culprits using electronic voting machines were able to target only six counties in America to steal the nation! Shocking insights on how votes were shaved from Republican strongholds. They are stealing votes from rural areas to make them just a little bit less red and placing these votes in six counties to make them a deeper blue.

Index Fund Risk Ahead


In an exclusive teaching series, Kevin Freeman shares the unintended consequences of index fund investing. While these passive investments have been highly effective tools for years, the risks may be growing. What happens in a down market? Are we seeing a bubble in index funds similar to the subprime mortgage crisis? Also at issue is the power being given to a handful of giant institutional investors with potential voting control of every large U.S. corporation. Freeman explains that we’re in uncharted waters. Indexing is more prominent than it has ever been before in history.

Hope for 2020 Allen West / Kyle Bass


Happy New Year! As we enter 2020 it is a good time to consider what the stock market and election politics may look like in the year ahead. Is America turning back toward the constitutional conservatism or is the momentum shifting to progressive socialism. We asked Lt. Col. Allen West to share his thoughts on what is happening politically. Also, Kyle Bass of Heyman capital visits the Economic War Room to share the impact of the next presidential election will on capital the markets.

Lathan Watts - Packing the Court


Our most essential liberties are under assault, including our right to free speech, right to own property, and the right to raise our children, passing along our culture, morals, and values. With politicized courts and discussions of packing the courts, America’s justice system is under attack. Now, with vaccine mandates, America is watching a wholesale restructuring of our economy by dictatorial mandate. Attorney Lathan Watts from First Liberty Institute is back in the Economic War Room to explain how we must stand for our First Amendment rights now!

Dave and Ryan


A Washington, D.C., summit on the China threat and the formation of the NSIC Institute with a new online program for financial professionals hosted by Liberty University. Liberty University continues to build on its heritage of reinforcing the American experience and Christian values. Former Congressman Dave Brat, dean of Liberty University’s Business School, and Ryan Helfenbein, director of the Falkirk Center for Faith and Liberty, share the history of the school and the future ahead.