Art Ally


How do you align your investments with our values?  Should you even care?  It’s something the left does all the time through social justice causes and socially responsible investing.  Art Ally, a pioneer in the Biblically responsible investing industry joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss the Christmas/New Year’s miracle that happened 20 years ago as he and his wife Bonnie launched the Timothy Plan.  Today, it is a billion plus dollar fund focused on pro-family and pro-life investments.

Alpha Look at the Economy


Charles Mizrahi rose from being a Wall Street floor trader at the age of 20 to being listed as Barron’s top stock picker by the age of 35! Now he wants to share key real-world insights every investor should consider. If we can keep politicians and mandates out of the free markets, the stock market is one of the greatest opportunities to create wealth. Charles explains that his newsletter was created to help the average Main Street investor be on a level playing field with the best research that Wall Street has to offer.

Post Election Analysis


Economic War Room brings together thought leaders on election integrity, political analysis on the 2020 election, and what it really means. Kevin Freeman shares key post-election insights, what the markets will look like going forward, and how geopolitical threats may start to shift. Patriotic investing is now more important than ever!

Marc Morano - Envrironment


ESG is the hottest trend in investing, but who is really driving this? In Part 1 of an exclusive three-part series, Kevin Freeman breaks down what the E, S, and G really mean in ESG investing. The E stands for environment but really means eliminating fossil fuels, per the Green New Deal. Guest Marc Morano, publisher of Climate Depot and author of a new book, “Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Think,” exposes the real agenda and fraud. It’s time to follow the real science, not the “scientific” institutions.

War on Wealth


A recent Politico poll showed 76 percent of registered voters want higher taxes on the rich.  Progressives say higher taxes will only apply to the ultra-wealthy, but history shows it will eventually apply to the rest of us if they have their way. Some politicians are looking to set up a system that will incentivize the wealthiest people in this country to actually leave the country. In 1990, there were twelve developed nations with wealth taxes and because of the disastrous results only four of those nations that have retained their wealth tax from 1990 to the present.

Playing for Keeps


Kevin Freeman provides a step-by-step walk-through of the plot to destroy our constitutional republic. The documented facts as it relates to how the deep state and Cultural Marxists have conspired against President Trump and what a supposedly bipartisan committee have planned for this year’s election. Be prepared for post-election chaos. Win or lose, there is a plot to take over our country and what must be done now.

Thrift Saving Plan


Lt. Col. Allen West, Kyle Bass, and Roger Robinson join Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss an important national security and economic issue.  China has found a loophole to funnel US dollars into their economy. They desperately need US dollars to fund their initiatives, surveillance systems and China’s belt and road initiative to dominate a world economic empire. Despite being in the middle of an economic war, we are thinking about taking money from our servicemen and women, from our veterans, and from patriotic government employees and investing it in communist China.

Schoolhouse Rocked


Our public education system is failing many students. It is most often not the fault of the teachers, but rather the system and curriculum they are forced to teach. Yvette Hampton joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room in this special edition to discuss her solution to this problem.

Erik Davidson


Dr. Erik Davidson, former Wells Fargo Chief Investment Officer of the private bank joins the Economic War Room to discuss behavioral finance and why we instinctively invest the way we do. Discover how you can overcome natural instincts we often have and avoid big mistakes that can cost you a lot of money.

Lathan Watts - Social Justice


ESG Investments, do you know what’s in your investment portfolio and what you may be supporting? At the core of ESG investing is the belief that elites, scientists, politicians, academics all know what’s best for us, and what life should be like. In reality, they want our investments to fund their utopian visions. This week we focus on what the ‘S’ in ESG investments really means and its focus on social justice and critical race theory. Lathan Watts from First Liberty Institute is in the Economic War Room and shares this social agenda’s business and political repercussions.