About Economic War Room ®

Introducing, Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman, a digital media and weekly broadcast financial news show, that provides new market insights to the challenges America and Wall Street face today. As the investment community recognizes new forces of Geo political and economic change, our mission is to provide insights and updates allowing investment professionals, financial advisors and their clients to develop personalized financial solutions.

Why Now?

Our way of life, free market economy, and American sovereignty, are all under threat. Now more than ever, there is a critical intersection of national security and economics. It all starts with financial warfare. Our enemies hope economic disruption will cause social panic, street riots, and political crises in America.

A Global War

In the global economic war, Russia and China are both looking at ways to create new currency to replace the U.S. dollar and de-dollarization attempts have begun. United States market vulnerabilities have been identified. Cyber Warfare has escalated to the point where a single computer virus invasion becomes a new concept weapon. All the while, Washington continues to run up the US national debt clock, a bubble in student loans, food stamps, money printing, and rising health insurance costs. At the same time, labor force participation, workers share of the economy, and median family income have been flat or fallen.


As hard working Americans build their retirement savings, they are up against sophisticated financial tools that at times allow Wall Street and globalist institutions to profit over the less sophisticated investment money. Add political corruption, the corporate influence of government, and even recognized financial terrorism; many investors in the market are asking, “What should I do with my money?”


Shining the Light of Truth

Despite the run up in the stock market to record highs, there is a fear an economic downturn driven by political, cyber, or other outside forces. Economic War Room’s goal is to shine the light of truth on these serious challenges, offer real solutions, and provide knowledge that can strengthen America's national security and economic infrastructure. The American experiment hasn’t failed. Rather, it was abandoned in the midst of success. Economic War Room will be our collective battle plan to return this nation to greatness, allow investors to adapt strategically, and provide peace of mind in a chaotic world.