Who is Funding Unrest

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Millions of dollars have flooded into Black Lives Matter. Corporations have pledged genuine change, and there are new conversations on race. But we’ve also seen statues demolished, even calls to remove those honoring Lincoln, calls to defund or ban the police in the wake of tragedy. Other lives have already been lost, as well as many people’s livelihoods, to mob violence. What is the real agenda, and who is funding these anarchist activities?

Race, Politics and Socialism

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Black Lives Matter is selling a message of division, not bringing people together. Bishop E.W. Jackson shares how BLM is really racial communism. Racial communism teaches that capitalism must be destroyed and reparations must be wrenched from the oppressor. It’s about leveraging race over class warfare to create a violent revolution. Bishop Jackson joins the Economic War Room to show how we can bring Americans together across racial and cultural lines to preserve and defend our Judeo-Christian history, our Constitution, our free market economy, and our way of life. There is hope!

End of Sharholder Capitlaism

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

For those hoping a Joe Biden election might calm things down, Kevin Freeman shares why that’s flat-out wrong! This exclusive teaching series addresses the failed logic behind Biden’s promise to end shareholder capitalism. It is the end of individual ownership and the race to the controlled production of communism. The Democrat platform is no secret. The media know what it says, but they’re not telling you because it’s the most progressive platform in nearly a century.

5G Gen. Robert Spalding

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

General Robert Spalding shares about the stealth war China is waging against America: How China infiltrated the World Bank and leveraged low-interest funds to dominate emerging markets with high-interest loans and eventually force them to become a tributary state of the CCP. How China currently uses 5G against its citizens and its plan for America if we allow it. What is being done now to stop it? The Trump administration has taken an aggressive strategy to go after the CCP’s stealth war against America, but there has been resistance.

Reinstate the Uptick Rule

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Economic warfare expert Kevin Freeman reviews how the stock market can be used as a secret attack weapon to influence the 2020 presidential election. Statistically, it has been proven that the stock market performance in the last three months before an election determines who wins the White House 87% of the time. July through November is the critical point in the financial markets, and our adversaries recognize it. Even George Soros warns Trump of a potential economic doom before election. Kevin Freeman explains a simple rule that could prevent a timed economic attack on the U.S.

A Marxist Who Woke Up

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Imagine a Marxist professor at NYU. At the peak of his industry, surrounded by peers and students who generally agreed with his worldview, he woke up. He woke from the Marxist delusions to become a leading conservative voice. Dr. Michael Rectenwald joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss how this happened and what has happened to him since his awakening.

Dave Brat - LSV vs ESG

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

The Left has been weaponizing their money for years and Conservatives have not had an equal counterweight on the other side. There is a way to turn your wealth into true riches and make an impact. Economic War Room officially announces its partnership with Liberty University to help financial advisers and their clients better understand the economic threats against America, potential solutions, and new patriotic investments. There is a new way to invest in those things that provide liberty and security, and align with your values.

Gen Bob Dees 1

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Today, the word resilience is often used in terms of the environment or conserving nature. Like everything else, it appears this word has been co-opted by the Left. While much of America is distracted, there are dark storm clouds on America’s national horizon internationally, domestically, economically, and culturally. Retired Major General Robert “Bob” Dees is in the Economic War Room to share his vision for a national movement to restore true resilience to every area of American life. His resilience trilogy is about building resilient warriors, resilient leaders, and resilient nations.

Patrick Byrne #2 Blockchain, Wallstreet, Bitcoin

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Patrick Byrne joins the Economic War Room to bring America up to speed on the potential of bitcoin and more specifically the future of blockchain technologies. While cryptocurrency values have been volatile, he sees bitcoin like a digital gold without the storage cost to maintain it. Also, as an early adopter, Patrick shares the great potential ahead he sees for blockchain technologies! Decentralized blockchain databases provide an irreversible timeline of data.

Rosemary Gibson - China Rx Update

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Rosemary Gibson of the Hastings Center is back in the Economic War Room with specific next steps to help close the executive order being worked on to get our pharmaceutical business back in the U.S. In addition to the national security and health issues we have covered before, she shares about the real economic and job impact America was hit with after we gave China the ability to control 80% to 90% of the core chemicals of our pharmaceutical industry.