Crypto You Can Trust


Concerned about your money, inflation, and what economic warfare really means? As the U.S. is targeting Russia with economic warfare, some of those same economic weapons could soon be pointed at you. Social credit, equity, diversity, and inclusion could all play into the next U.S. digital dollar. Do the wrong thing and you will be de-banked. Kevin Freeman fleshes out a constitutional alternative to government monetary tyranny. This may be the biggest idea you’ve ever heard of! It was hidden in the Constitution by our founders for such a time as this.

Underwriting our Adversary


Your retirement savings could be at risk with Chinese investments you may not even know you own. There are almost 700 Chinese companies on the over-the-counter markets, 86 to 90 on the New York Stock Exchange and around 65 in the Nasdaq. While main stream media and many politicians are focused on the Russians, it’s the Chinese that have lured capital and investors to help fund their war and become an economic superpower. China was once considered to be moving toward a free market capitalist system and the economic future for investors.

Oil Update


David Tice predicted the 2008 market crash, those that listened and invested with him made money on the markets with his Prudent Bear Fund. Today, he is warning about a new threat and is working to alert America before it happens. His soon-to-be-released documentary, “Grid Down, Power Up”, explains the threats to America’s energy grid and how to easily secure our future. A sneak peek at the documentary and real solutions for America as he rallies support to wake up our politicians and utility companies for action. Your role in this is critical!

Silencing the Lambs


Christians and Jews are under assault around the world. In the US, it’s often an economic assault. You’re told you can’t do this economic activity, you can do this, but you can’t do that. Our faith is being attacked! Things may be about to change. Kelly Shackelford, a top religious liberty expert, joins Kevin Freeman to discuss a Supreme Court case that could blow a hole in the Lemon test and First Amendment Establishment Clause. This decision could stop government hostility to religion and mean more religious freedom than we’ve ever had in this country!

Weaponize Your Money - END SEASON 1


You can make a difference! See how you can weaponize your money to protect yourself, your family, and America. This week Economic War Room highlights China prescription medicines in US, the financial markets, cyber-attacks, and personal security. Get free access to your economic battle plans and explore the tools available to make an impact. Welcome to your war room!

Grid Down


David Tice predicted the 2008 market crash, those that listened and invested with him made money on the markets with his Prudent Bear Fund. Today, he is warning about a new threat and is working to alert America before it happens. His soon-to-be-released documentary, “Grid Down, Power Up”, explains the threats to America’s energy grid and how to easily secure our future. A sneak peek at the documentary and real solutions for America as he rallies support to wake up our politicians and utility companies for action. Your role in this is critical!

EMP Economics


Kevin Freeman recently participated in a war game that included top scientists, engineers, and military strategists. Make no mistake, an EMP is an existential threat that has been ignored. President Trump issued an executive order to address it, but junk science is being used by large utility companies to avoid dealing with a costly problem. Our adversaries consider this part of an economic war, and some foreign official even prioritize economic dominance above the risk of dead Americans. There is a solution for America.

Frank Gaffney


Frank Gaffney joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss what can be done to get our nation back on the path of freedom and success. According to Frank, we are on the wrong track. He says the polls are evidence of how the common sense of the American people is operating. What Americans are witnessing all around them, domestically and internationally, is evidence of what he believes is a wrecking operation by the Biden administration. He is launching a new initiative called “I’m Mad as Hell and Cannot Take It Anymore!” and it provides you a chance to make your voice heard.

How to Work with a Financial Advisor


Former Templeton money manager and economic warfare expert Kevin Freeman shares Economic War Room’s vision to help protect your money and our nation. With the stock market and consumer sentiment at record highs, John Mauldin and David Tice discuss whether index investing is the right place to be and why you should budget for risk. Also, things to consider when seeking a financial adviser.

Learn about the new Economic War Room resources being developed for financial advisers. There can be a beautiful future ahead for our nation and for astute investors like you

Episode 150 Replay


This episode was originally released in August 2021, We felt it to be relevant and timely based on all that is happening in America right now, as well as with the Economic War Room. It is much like WWII all over again when Hitler was racing across Europe. For a while, America was asleep and sitting on the sidelines. We had education failures, we had mass political correctness, compromised media, and failed politicians. This is all happening again today, but this time with a socialist Marxist ideology in America. Kevin Freeman and Dr.