General Robert Spalding - Hong Kong


As the China tariff war continues to heat up, there is an obvious question. How did we get here in the first place? It seems China has been waging a war against the US for almost 30 years, but few recognized it. General Robert Spalding III, author of a new book, How China Took Over While America’s Elite Slept joins the Economic War Room to discuss the stealth war being waged against you.

Free Speech Crackdown


We’ve just experienced the most far-reaching, brazen, and lawless attack on Americans by the state and its private-sector adjuncts in our nation’s history. It was the year of the ruling class crackdown: We learned there are ways to silence free speech and keep us quiet that don’t involve physical force. Instead, major corporations, the educational establishment, the media, and the government can just kick you off the internet, put you on a “no-fly” list, and bar you from using the banking system. But there is hope as the ruling class agenda starts to crumble.

Allen West


Background Briefing: With the 2020 election coming up, America is at a critical crossroad. Lt. Col Allen West visits the Economic War Room to provide and update on some of the external and internal threats facing America. Also, Lt. Col. West makes an major announcement on his plans to help America and Texas. WARNING: China and Iran may have more interest in what happens to the US election in 2020 than the average voter. This episode highlights what you should be sharing with your friends and associates now.

Glenn Beck - Great Reset


Glenn Beck joins Kevin Freeman to discuss Glenn’s new book, “The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of 21st-Century Fascism.” This may be the most important book Glenn has ever written! In this Economic War Room exclusive, we take a closer look at how the elites plan to “reset” the global economy using banks, government programs, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics. The goal is to put substantially more economic and social power in the hands of large corporations, international institutions, banks, and government officials.

Kyle Bass


Hedge fund manager Kyle Bass founder and principal Hayman Capital, provides highlights on global events.  Kyle predicted the US subprime mortgage crisis and was one of the leading voices with congress on the topic. Today, he shares his insights on what is happening in Hong Kong and China. See how China has figured out how to steal from America’s middle class investments and retirement funds

DC Greed - Align Action


Nancy Pelosi has made a fortune worth more than $100 million – all while working on a government salary. HOW?! How are she and other politicians becoming millionaires while supposedly working for “us” in Congress? The corruption is deeply disturbing: Democrats and Republicans alike are pigging out on “Pelosi Perks.” Tom Fitton, Justin Danhof, and Jenny Beth Martin join Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to share more about how our elected officials have lined their pockets at our expense for too long! Find out how you can take action and demand an end to the Pelosi Perks!

Democratic Capitalism


Don’t redistribute wealth, redistribute opportunity! Kevin Freeman provides new facts as it relates to what is really happening to America economically. Crony capitalism, democratic socialism, and excess regulations. There is an clear answer solve the wealth disparity gap taking place in America today – it is called moral democratic capitalism. America can produce more wealth for all, and there are great opportunities ahead if we make the right decisions now.

Power of Stories


The war between liberty and totalitarianism is being fought beyond politics. Part of the economic war is a culture war. Culture is upstream of politics. Watch any movie or entertainment show today, and the leftists have gone so woke that they feel they have to make their point directly in everything. The LGBTQ agenda is being shoved into children’s cartoons. Everything’s about climate change. But the power is shifting.

Phil Robertson


Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson joins the Economic War Room for some straight talk about true freedom and the 4 keys to success. Phil provides his insights on politics, entrepreneurship, and the Bible. Why Godliness with contentment is great gain! What’s happening with free healthcare and college? Also, the most important message he shared personally with President Donald Trump.

The Next Crisis


In October 2019, we learned of a special World Economic Forum exercise known as Event 201. The purpose of this was a war game to see how the world might respond to a coronavirus pandemic. Less than six months later, global governments were following the course laid out before them. Next, they war-gamed the long-term aftereffects of COVID. As they pumped trillions of dollars into the economy, their next war game was a financial crisis to usher in the Great Reset. In this exclusive teaching series, Kevin Freeman lays out a plan not to let the serious crisis they created go to waste.