2021 Review

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Kevin Freeman reflects back on the politics of 2021 and the lies of the political Left that were exposed. Also, we review the Economic War Room 2021 scorecard: what we said would take place and how it actually happened. Economic War Room patriots were on the leading edge of key insights that impact their money, their livelihood, and their way of life. As we prepare for 2022, understanding the political and economic implications will be more critical than ever. Start planning now.

General Robert Spalding - 5G

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

China is developing 5G to take control of the global platform standards. At some point all your data may run through Beijing and the communist party. America has a window of opportunity to address it now, but your help to break through the telecom lobby groups is needed now! See why the secure 5G network is the Eisenhower National Highway System for the Information Age. General Robert Spalding (Ret) is back in the Economic War Room to discuss how 5G will impact your privacy, your lifestyle, and the 5G economic opportunities ahead.

2022 Forecast

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Kevin Freeman shares his perspective for 2022 and the year ahead. While it should be a good year, there will be times when that won’t be obvious. In this episode, Kevin outlines the six key events to watch for in 2022, the seven challenges we will face, and the five things we must do to prepare. Be sure to sign up for the Economic War Room’s comprehensive library and reference materials for each week: the Economic Battle Plans™. This resource will be of great value and help you navigate what lies ahead.

Allen Clark

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

The economics of war! Almost everyone can agree it only make sense to fight a war that is worth fighting. One that defends America, protects humanity and stands for liberty. Unfortunately, there are times when blood is lost for financial reasons and the reality is there are some who make money from wars. It is economic warfare but with human lives lost. Decorated War Veteran Allen Clark provides insights that are seldom talked about in media.

John Maudlin - Domestic

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

The next decade will bring a challenging economic environment. John Mauldin, one of the most widely read analysts of our time, is back in the Economic War Room to highlight the investment landscape ahead. John joins Kevin Freeman to discuss supply chain issues, interest rates, inflation, and how best to position ourselves for the Great Reset. One thing is certain: There has never been a more critical time to have a financial adviser on your side as you manage these challenges. With slow growth expected, index investing could be at high risk.

Secret Weapon #2

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Our adversaries have plans to take down America and potentially change the dynamics of the 2020 election. It is an economic war! While no one can be sure of the timing, it is important to understand what they are thinking and be prepared for multiple financial and geopolitical scenarios. Kevin Freeman continues part 2 of Secret Weapon and the new concept financial weapons that impact you.

Sen Jim DeMint

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Are you fighting the good fight? Former Senator Jim DeMint is in the Economic War Room to share about a new movement to equip conservatives for battle. Lately, it seems like every policy the Democrats develop is designed to destroy America, yet too often America is afraid to stand for truth. Americans want to do something, but they’re tired of being lied to. Many don’t know what the truth is anymore, and they are seeking new media where they can find out what’s really true.

John Mauldin - China

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Kevin Freeman and John Mauldin share their experience working with the Office of Net Assessment. A look at what the Pentagon got right in the Cold War and what was missed as it relates to economic warfare. While it was once thought that no one would attack America’s finances, that is not true today. A review of the China supply chain threat and what that means to our national security. Plus, John Mauldin shares a quick overview of his investment outlook and strategy in the U.S. and globally. It is time to make sure you have good financial advice!

Secret Weapon #1

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

There is a “Deep State” manipulating things behind the scenes. This week’s briefing includes Kevin Freeman’s personal story that not only demonstrates the Deep State in action, but also explains just why you lost so much money in 2008, and why it could happen again. See why the Deep State didn’t want you to know the truth of what actually happened in the last market crisis. Also, why they don’t want you to know what could happen next.