War on Free Speech

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Political correctness is hammering away your First Amendment rights. George Orwell coined it 70 years ago and it is infecting America today. It is “New Speak.” Words you are not allowed to say. Thoughts you are not supposed to have. Learn the tactics the Progressive Left is using to limit free speech and how you can fight back. It is an economic war! Do not bow to the progressive beast of political correctness; it is time to weaponize your money! You can make a difference in this battle

Katherine Novikov

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

According to recent polling, investors do not want ESG investment products, yet Wall Street and the big funds are pushing them more than ever. Wall Street seems to no longer care about profits but only about pushing a progressive woke agenda. Kevin Freeman talks with Katherine Novikov, a former Russian cryptologic linguist for the U.S. Air Force, about how woke Wall Street is following the plans laid out by the Soviets and the CCP. She also talks about how she is weaponizing her investments to promote liberty, security, and values.

IT Special

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Thieves are consistently using cyber technology to anonymously steal your personal identity, money, credit card, and banking accounts. Sophisticated hacking devices and tools are available to any criminal on line. Many of these devices are programmed, so even amateurs can easily use them. With this new technology, even major corporations/business with sophisticated IT teams are at greater risk. Join Kevin Freeman and Kevin Henson, CTO of Allied Special Operations Group, as they discuss cyber threats and precautions you should take now.

Ten Solutions

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

When the velocity of money is slow or nonexistent, the economy dies. You are completely missing it if you are sitting around waiting for politicians to solve your problems. The proper use of money is the key to a thriving and robust economy. The formula for success is for American patriots to weaponize the three things that people can do with their money - giving, spending, and investing. All three must be weaponized in the right way to advance the cause of liberty and freedom.

Fred Fleitz

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Ever wonder what life is like inside the National Security Council? Kevin Freeman meets with the former Chief of Staff and Secretary of the National Security Council, Fred Fleitz to review Geo-political hot spots around the world. There is an Economic war against America. Get an insider view of Trump administration, their focus on economics, and helping working Americans.

CPAC 2022 Special 1

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Kevin Freeman goes on the road to CPAC Dallas 2022 and talks with Frank Gaffney, Gordon Chang, and Former Congressman Dave Brat about the various threats we face from the Communist Chinese and how it is impacting our economy.

Threat Assesment

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Kevin Freeman provides highlights of his Pentagon economic threat assessment report. Enter the Economic War Room to see some of the external and internal threats America is facing. As a nation, we have never before faced such unique and credible threats to our very way of life. See why we built the War Room to provide action steps you can use to protect your money, livelihood and way of life. Real enemies are manipulating, undermining, stealing, and hacking.

Tim Barton CPAC 2022

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

No nation on earth is perfect or without embarrassing moments in history. The U.S. is no different. However, this nation has done more to improve the freedom and liberty of all. And it started with the formation of this country’s most precious documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Tim Barton joins Kevin Freeman on a special CPAC edition of the Economic War Room to discuss some unique artifacts that show just how bad the progressive Left is at portraying actual history.

One-On-One with Adam Kraft

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Enter your Economic War Room for quick review of battlefield activities happening around the world. Cyber attacks are ramping up, is this precursor to a major attack?  A look at how our adversaries are using law fare to lobby Washington D.C. policy in their favor.  Kevin Freeman shares his encounter with the PLA in Washington. Receive a top-line perspective from a former DIA officer on the events above, as well as China and North Korea

Congressman Brian Babin CPAC

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Texas Rep. Brian Babin joins Kevin Freeman for a special edition of the Economic War Room from CPAC Dallas 2022. Rep. Babin discusses the increasing threats that more than 3 million illegal immigrants are inflicting on our nation. He and Kevin also talk about what is happing inside the Beltway of Washington, D.C., and what can be done to safeguard our economic freedom and liberty.