Persecuted Christians


Christians are among the most persecuted people on earth and economics can help save them. Vicious rapes, church burnings, crucifixions, enslavement and murders of Christians continues in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere. There is something that can and should be done. It is time to weaponize our money. This approach not only protected Soviet Jews but also helped defeat communism as Frank Gaffney explains. Learn how working together, we can help build awareness, saves lives and maybe even redeem the persecutors



Remember the internet boom and then the smart phone revolution? This is the next big economic growth opportunity. 5G is not just an incremental change in communications; it is a giant leap. Up to 100 times faster than 4G, it will drive data costs down and revolutionize products and infrastructure for the next 30 years. Unfortunately, China is leading and could win the economic and military advantage in 5G if the U.S. does not act immediately! Learn how we can win and what happens if we lose. Join Declan Ganley and Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room

JSG - Tom Dans


Tom Dans, a former U.S. Treasury official, has created a unique solution to fight back against woke Wall Street. The ESG movement is misleading investors and taking them down a path that weakens companies and the economic power of the United States. Kevin Freeman and Tom Dans discuss a new strategy for helping bring liberty, security, and values to investors through Tom’s creative approach to investing.

Socialism - Part 2


Socialism is really not about helping others. See how socialism is based on a faulty premise and ultimately leads to communism. Think Europe has the answer? Bernie Sanders was wrong, Scandinavia is not a socialist utopia he thought it was. The Swede’s even declared its experiment in socialism a colossal failure. A look comparing GDP per capita of Europe to the each of the America’s states. See how the United States has a higher living standard than Europe. Incentives make a difference! Join host Kevin Freeman with guests, Retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West, and Bob McEwen.

Patent Warfare - Randy Landrenau


From the very beginning, the Founding Fathers knew that intellectual property rights were the key to success. They enshrined property rights in the Constitution. But now, our government and the administrative state have significantly weakened the U.S. patent system. This is mostly benefitting Big Tech and giant corporations. Small businesses and innovators are getting their patents thrown out nearly 82% of the time. Randy Landreneau joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to talk about this domestic economic weapon and what can be done to stop it.

Socialism - Part 1


Today, a majority of Democrats and millennials perceive socialism more positively than capitalism. Kevin Freeman highlights how the socialist agenda is being propelled forward in America. This episode covers socialism’s 7 deadly sins. Discover how the standards teachers are measured by are not based on academics. Learn how financial markets are likely to grow or decline, based on political ideology. See why global human poverty is at an all-time record low and how it got there. Guests include: Lt. Col. Allen West, Alice Linahan, and Rod Martin

Biden's New Trail of Tears


The first Democrat president, Andrew Jackson, displaced hundreds of thousands of native Americans with his Indian Removal Act. The native Americans called it the “Trail of Tears.” Joe Biden and the same Democrat Party have put Trump supporters on notice that they could be removed as well. It used to be “kill the Indian and keep the man.” Not any more. This ideological trail is “kill the American and keep the communist.” Kevin Freeman, who is of Cherokee descent, explains that this is all according to plans to displace the Constitution and transform America.

Debt - Part 2


U.S. debt, while it may look impossible, there is hope. Learn solutions to protect your investments in the next economic crisis. Most important, discover what we can do as a community to avert a debt crises and grow our way out of this. Join Kevin Freeman and John Mauldin on financial solutions for a scary time or an exciting future! Together we can make a difference. Get your free personal Economic Battle Plan™ at

Politically Responsible Investing


The ESG push from woke Wall Street is being orchestrated by groups who do not have America’s best interests in mind. Hal Lambert joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to talk about the real threats of ESG. It is no accident that China is a significant beneficiary of ESG from the green energy push, yet the country is the worst ESG offender. Hal also talks about an investable solution that will help people weaponize their investing to support American values and liberty.

Debt - Part 1


The United States has moved from the number one creditor nation in the world to the number 1 debtor nation in the world. Our enemies see our debt as a weapon. See how China’s Plan to DeAmericanize the world is a threat to you. Our National Security Director says U.S. debt is now the biggest national security crises we face. In this two part series, learn what you can do politically, and what you should start to do with your investments. Get your free personal Economic Battle Plan™ at