Winning the Next Battle


Former CIA operative Sam Faddis joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to talk about the internal and external wars and what it will take to win both. Sam says, “I do not subscribe to the [idea that] Joe and his advisors just happen to be the most incompetent team in American history and get every decision wrong. I think you are watching guys who, frankly, are playing for the other team. They are not looking to — they’re not focused on American national security. They’ve got a completely different agenda.”

Building the Monster Garage in Space


Sixty years ago, President Kennedy uttered these famous words, “We choose to go to the moon.” As if it were a choice, ignoring the scientific and practical challenges. But less than a decade later, his words came to life. We chose and we achieved. It took an incredible amount of national will to get to the moon. Secrecy, planning, investment — in a wartime approach. And it was a war. It was the Cold War and the space race. Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast joins Kevin Freeman to talk about how the U.S. must achieve space dominance to preserve freedom.

One-on-One with Allen West


When you take that oath to the Constitution to support and defend it, that means against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Lt. Col. Allen West joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to look at the internal and external enemies who threaten our economic freedom. Without a doubt, the number-one geopolitical foe that we have is China. And downstream from China, you have the new axis of evil: Russia, Iran, and North Korea. And we still have to be concerned about Islamic jihadism.

Woke vs Awake


The American way of life and the woke way of life are 100% incompatible. They’re utterly irreconcilable. In our understanding of justice in America, it’s about free people pursuing happiness. It’s very simple. In the woke understanding of justice, it’s about the state imposing quotas by groups regardless of merit. Tom Klingenstein joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss how dangerous the WOKE agenda is to our economic and personal freedom and what can be done to stop it.

America and the Art of the Possible


Nations that aren’t advancing are declining, and the measure of advancement for America doesn’t look very good. Whether you look at life expectancy, personal satisfaction, upward mobility, or middle-class income, the stats are actually alarming. That wasn’t the case for the generation just before us. There is no longer fundamental newness. Best-selling author Christopher Buskirk joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to expose the root cause of America’s declining innovation rate. They also discuss why there is still hope for America and how the future could be bright again.

Screening for WOKEness


Woke corporations are a danger to your economic and personal freedom. The Left has weaponized large public companies and even some private ones to undermine the political process. These woke companies suppress free speech and the expression of religion. They are bending to the will of the woke mob and have lost their focus on delivering value to their customers, employees, and shareholders. Paul Fitzpatrick joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to offer a game-changing solution that empowers consumers, employees, and investors to push back against the prevailing woke agenda.

Banking Crisis


For the first time in 15 years, headlines scream of BANK FAILURES. First, it was Silicon Valley Bank, then it was Signature Bank — and other banks have been merged. We are told, “Don’t worry. Everything is fine.” But it doesn’t feel fine. Bear Stearns was the first in the financial crisis of 2008, and Silicon Valley Bank was the first in 2023. We don’t know just how far that aspect of the analogy will carry out this year. Bear Stearns stands as an absolute warning that the worst may be yet to come.

Louie Gohmert


With recent bank failures, the federal government is working overtime to implement its central bank digital currency scheme. External forces such as China are pressing in even faster to make the digital yuan the dominant payment system. But Texas has introduced plans to push back. Former Rep. Louie Gohmert joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss the current domestic and foreign economic situation facing America and what we can do about it.

Doug DeGroote


The eighth clause in the First Amendment of the Constitution literally entitles you to ownership of your property, intellectual property, and writings. Today, the great American system is breaking down, and it is becoming more difficult to achieve the American dream. America can return to a time when it flourished. The American system has created more Nobel Peace Prize winners, more movies, more musicians, more inventions, and more patents than any other country, all countries combined.

Frank Gaffney The Indictment


A generation ago, Ronald Reagan mapped out and executed a strategy for taking down the last totalitarian communist regime that sought America's destruction. That was the Soviet Union's evil empire. We can settle for no less with respect to our time's existential threat to freedom. The Chinese Communist Party can and must be thwarted in its determined bid to crush liberty, destroy our country, and institute what Xi Jinping calls global governance directed and enforced from Beijing. Frank Gaffney joins Kevin Freeman to talk about China's aggression and what can be done about it.