Weaponization of Loneliness

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Instead of playing whack-a-mole with 100 different, crazy, insane agendas out there, Stella Morabito found what connected them all and what causes them. What gives these agendas oxygen is our tendency to self-censor when we have questions about the dangers that lie ahead. And that self-censorship is induced through political correctness. Political correctness, identity politics, and mob agitation create the three-legged stool of tyranny, or what she calls “the machinery of loneliness.”

Ace of Aces - Fast Eddie

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Know as the “Ace of Aces,” Eddie Rickenbacker’s story is extremely relevant today. America is facing real challenges. The first is the long march to socialism and the takeover of our government by socialists. And the second is cancel culture, where you can get cut off, defunded, or outright censored if you don’t go along with the socialist takeover. These are not new problems, and Kevin explains how Captain Eddie Rickenbacker discovered the model for how to have victory over this powerful enemy.

Hot Talk, Cold Science

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

We are told that the world is coming to an end and that everything is getting worse, with more floods, more droughts, more hurricanes, and so forth. And when you look at the record, you start to see there are a lot of fluctuations, but there really isn’t any long-term trend. Climate alarmists have convinced much of the world that carbon is the most dangerous threat we face; however, it’s just a giant scheme to control nations and money. Noted climate scientist Dr.

Bill Walton - The Year Ahead

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

What will 2023 hold for investors? Will the current trends continue, or will they get worse? Veteran investor and fund manager Bill Walton joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to talk about what might be ahead in 2023. Bill is a filmmaker, philanthropist, and conservative leader who has proven time and again that hard work and excellence pay off when the free-market system is in place. Bill now hosts the “Bill Walton Show,” which focuses on in-depth conversations with leaders, entrepreneurs, and thinkers who offer deep insights into money, culture, and politics.

Letter to the American Church

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Today there are many people, just as in the 1930s, who’re hearing, “Oh, we’re not supposed to be political. Christians shouldn’t be political. We’re supposed to focus on the Gospel.” That is theological nonsense — absolute nonsense. And it’s worse than nonsense — it’s wicked. Because we are called by God to bring our biblical faith into every single sphere of life.

Defeating the Borg

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

What makes America exceptional? Is it the people? No, it can’t be that. We are everybody else from everywhere else. Is it our geography, education, the weather, or our religion? Some of those may play a role, but the real notion of American exceptionalism is based on individual liberty as enshrined in the Constitution. Bureaucracies and groupthink don’t invent. They don’t create. They don’t improve. Business meetings are a great example. They’re mind-numbing, inefficient time-wasters and soul-killers.

The Gold Bullet for the Great Reset

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

In the Economic War Room we address inflation, pandemic, election integrity, the risk of food shortages, space warfare, stock market collapse, debt and pension crisis, socialism, and global economic warfare. The challenge of the central bank digital currency may dwarf them all. Or maybe it rolls them all up into one big package that will be sold to you as something that you need, something that will benefit you. But in reality, it’s dark, it’s deceptive, and it’s destructive.

Lead by Example

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Kevin Freeman and two special guests are in the Economic War Room to pay tribute to a leader of leaders and a great American hero, Chris Graham. You’ve likely never heard of him, but he worked tirelessly to protect our great American freedoms. He wrote,” Sitting alone in the dark, cramming Twinkies in your face and binge-watching Netflix while playing dress-up in a surgical mask is not what you were created for. You were born for this place. You were born for this time. Hit play on Kid Rock’s ‘Born Free’ and lead by example.”

The Death of Wallstreet

Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

Dr. Theodore Malloch has been behind the elite curtain as a global sherpa, as Margaret Thatcher once called him. And it is a long and sordid tale, but it means he knows how that system works. And therefore, he is very dangerous to those behind the curtain. Kevin Freeman and Dr. Malloch talk about why the markets have changed and not for the better. Malloch says, “Frankly, that creative destruction of the entrepreneur is no longer adored, is no longer respected, is no longer invested in. And what we have is a system now of radical socialism.


Author: kevin@ewrmedia.com

In the Economic War Room, we’re always looking at challenges to our nation, to our sovereignty, and to our economy. We have foreign enemies. We have domestic enemies. Well, there is startling news that we may have a foreign enemy operating through a domestic enemy. And that domestic enemy may be our own president. Is it a rumor? Is it real? With former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Kevin Freeman discusses this and what you need to do right now to stop Biden from giving our sovereignty to the World Health Organization without U.S. Senate approval!