For those hoping a Joe Biden election might calm things down, Kevin Freeman shares why that’s flat-out wrong! This exclusive teaching series addresses the failed logic behind Biden’s promise to end shareholder capitalism. It is the end of individual ownership and the race to the controlled…
Economic warfare expert Kevin Freeman reviews how the stock market can be used as a secret attack weapon to influence the 2020 presidential election. Statistically, it has been proven that the stock market performance in the last three months before an election determines who wins the White House…
Imagine a Marxist professor at NYU. At the peak of his industry, surrounded by peers and students who generally agreed with his worldview, he woke up. He woke from the Marxist delusions to become a leading conservative voice. Dr. Michael Rectenwald joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to…
Patrick Byrne joins the Economic War Room to bring America up to speed on the potential of bitcoin and more specifically the future of blockchain technologies. While cryptocurrency values have been volatile, he sees bitcoin like a digital gold without the storage cost to maintain it. Also, as an…
Kevin Freeman shares his insights into the growing communist influence in America and how we got here. We are facing a war on multiple fronts. It is a battle between the collective vs. the individual, global vs. local, and now Wall Street and Corporate America. Make no mistake, it’s about money and…
Patrick Byrne is in the Economic War Room with his new first-hand account of what happened in the 2020 election.  Patrick includes highlights from his new book, The Deep Rig.  It includes documented foreign interference with China flipping the presidential results in five states. Also,…
America is facing a serious threat to our personal economics and the future of our nation. This next election really does come down to a choice between communism and freedom. Trevor Loudon joins the Economic War Room to discuss his documentation of the Marxist infiltration of our government and how…
Major General Bob Dees joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss the greatest threat to America: our own economy and national debt. As a military strategist, General Dees understands the key elements of national power. In this day and age, he identifies the primary space for conflict…
It’s time to bring truth, logic, and compassion back and reunite America on the principles that have improved lives so dramatically over the last 200 years. Glenn Beck joins the Economic War Room to discuss how we got to where we are today and what we need to do to get America back on track. Also,…
Howard Zinn’s history book has sold over 3 million copies and is used widely in schools across America. It influences the American school curriculum, entertainment, and even Disney movies. THE PROBLEM? It is propaganda based on falsified history. Economic War Room invites scholar Mary Grabar,…