Kevin Freeman hosts the legendary G. Edward Griffin in the Economic War Room to discuss the creation of the Federal Reserve and its impact on American freedom. Griffin, author of "The Creature from Jekyll Island," delves into the hidden truths behind monetary policy and the ongoing erosion of…
Join Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room with grid security experts Tommy Waller and David Tice as they delve into the imminent threats facing America's electric grid. From solar flares to cyberattacks, watch to discover why our power infrastructure is at risk and what can be done to secure it.…
In this revealing episode, Kevin Freeman engages with Lathan Watts, vice president of public affairs for Alliance Defending Freedom, to uncover the concerning trend of "debanking" — where individuals and organizations are denied banking services due to their social or political beliefs. This…
Kevin Freeman talks with NY Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi about his new bombshell book, "The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis," which presents indisputable forensic evidence that two shots fired from the front and one shot fired from the rear killed the…
Join Kevin Freeman as he dives into a groundbreaking interview with Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake in the Economic War Room, where they shed light on their book, "The Courage to Face COVID-19." Witness how Dr. McCullough, hailed as a fearless leader during the pandemic, exposes the failures of…
A look at the political similarities of the mid-1970s and today.  Kevin Freeman discusses one of America’s most severe economic impacts and why it may be returning. Globalization, a new energy crisis, inflation, and a potential loss of the reserve of currency: It is time to review your…
Kevin Freeman and Tim Barton discuss American history, focusing on the first seven presidents who played significant roles in shaping the early republic. They highlight the good and bad aspects of these leaders, drawing attention to how they adhered to or deviated from the principles of the…
Kevin Freeman highlights the gravity of America's ballooning national debt, which nears a staggering $35 trillion. With an urgency that cannot be understated, Freeman draws attention to the fiscal quicksand the country is wading into — an almost incomprehensible financial burden that has accrued…
The Buckeye Institute's Rea Hederman Jr. has released a report titled "Net Zero Climate Control Policies Will Fail the Farm," detailing the negative impact such policies will have on American agriculture and food prices. Hederman emphasizes that adherence to the Paris Climate Accords and the…
Once upon a time, the FBI and the CIA fought America’s enemies at home and abroad. Now they are tools of a growing police state, attacking the Left’s political enemies and spying on ordinary American citizens — even parents who push back against radical public schools. How did we get here? J.…