Mark Robinson went from receiving welfare to being lieutenant governor of North Carolina. In fact, Mark Robinson is the first black lieutenant governor in North Carolina’s history. Mark is a passionate person of faith and is bold about his convictions. He took those convictions to his local city…
Driving fiscally sound public policy by partnering with key stakeholders and educating Americans on the role of responsible financial management in a free market economy is the mission of Derek Kreifels. His group works to hold elected state officials accountable to the people they represent. One…
In the Economic War Room we address inflation, pandemic, election integrity, the risk of food shortages, space warfare, stock market collapse, debt and pension crisis, socialism, and global economic warfare. The challenge of the central bank digital currency may dwarf them all. Or maybe it rolls…
Kevin Freeman and two special guests are in the Economic War Room to pay tribute to a leader of leaders and a great American hero, Chris Graham. You’ve likely never heard of him, but he worked tirelessly to protect our great American freedoms. He wrote,” Sitting alone in the dark, cramming Twinkies…
The American way of life and the woke way of life are 100% incompatible. They’re utterly irreconcilable. In our understanding of justice in America, it’s about free people pursuing happiness. It’s very simple. In the woke understanding of justice, it’s about the state imposing quotas by groups…
Woke corporations are a danger to your economic and personal freedom. The Left has weaponized large public companies and even some private ones to undermine the political process. These woke companies suppress free speech and the expression of religion. They are bending to the will of the woke mob…
In the Economic War Room, we've been working on getting a state to make gold-based currency available to its citizens. For the five years that this program has existed, and for really ten years before that, we have been pushing gold as a currency as provided under the Constitution. Now this idea…
Known as the sage from South Central, Larry Elder is unafraid to take on liberals in the Black Lives Matter movement with common sense and others who are pushing false narratives. He's also known as America's Truth Detector. Kevin Freeman and presidential candidate Larry Elder discuss ways to…
Dr. Ben Carson points out that the "experts" like to say that there's an economic cycle and it's a natural cycle, up and down, up and down, but he takes issue with that. He says, "It goes up when we have people in office who know what they're doing, and it goes down when they don't." Kevin Freeman…