Today, the word resilience is often used in terms of the environment or conserving nature. Like everything else, it appears this word has been co-opted by the Left. While much of America is distracted, there are dark storm clouds on America’s national horizon internationally, domestically,…
Dr. Ben Carson joins the Economic War Room to share his experience as the U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. His free-market approach brought accountability and results! The result: poverty reduced by 11%. Compare this to Biden’s American jobs plan, which could cost taxpayers about $…
Dr. Ben Carson joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss the importance of faith, liberty, community, and life. These are the principles that have guided Dr. Carson through life. As founder of the American Cornerstone Institute, he is using these same principles to focus on…
Kevin Freeman provides a step-by-step walk-through of the plot to destroy our constitutional republic. The documented facts as it relates to how the deep state and Cultural Marxists have conspired against President Trump and what a supposedly bipartisan committee have planned for this year’s…
Exclusive: the first look at the “Election 2020, You Decide” board game. Guest David Clements joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to show us how it works. It’s a fun new way that you can connect what you know you saw and what you know you heard with the reality of what happened. It lets…
There are corporations that are taking your money and using it against you. If you own shares of stock, you have a vote. It may be hidden from you. They don’t want you to know about it, but it’s very powerful. The hard Left is organized and using this against you. It’s time for economic patriots to…
President Reagan warned that if we don’t fight for liberty, it would be only one generation from extinction. But what if the next generation doesn’t want freedom? There’s a group of people out there who have even decided that freedom is the new F-word. Ryan Helfenbein is in the Economic War Room…
David Tice predicted the 2008 market crash, those that listened and invested with him made money on the markets with his Prudent Bear Fund. Today, he is warning about a new threat and is working to alert America before it happens. His soon-to-be-released documentary, “Grid Down, Power Up”, explains…
Henry Kissinger reportedly said, “You control the food, you control the people, you control the energy, you control nations, you control money, you control the world.” We will see the downstream effects of what’s happening in Ukraine almost immediately hurting the Middle East, North Africa, and…
All the movies and TV shows you see in all of the United States and the world pretty much come from about six entities in the United States. Hollywood does not give you a vote on the content it serves up. Netflix, Amazon, Apple TV, Disney+, Paramount+, and the others use your dollars to make what…