With every episode of "Economic War Room," we attempt to foresee problems, counter them, and offer practical solutions. Whether it's money, housing, energy, the border, inflation, the China threat, jihadis, ESG, woke corporations, World Economic Forum mandates, investing space, artificial…
It's been quite a year. It's been quite a five years. The Economic War Room works to see problems in advance and devise solutions for you. Kevin is usually ahead of the curve, and the 30-minute investment you make each week should be helping you personally and financially and helping America…
We have incredible news regarding transactional gold and silver, aka Pirate Money, aka Patriot Money. What once seemed impossible is now picking up steam and could be the silver or gold bullet that kills the Great Reset. Join Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room for some great news and an action…
There's a Greek myth. It's the myth of Cassandra. She was the daughter of King Troy, and she was given this amazing prophetic gift. Everything she saw happen going to happen actually did happen. But she rejected the romance of Apollo. And so he cursed her to be accurate in her prophecy, but never…
The U.S. dollar is in trouble. The Federal Reserve continues to fiddle with the money supply and interest rates, but the dollar continues to decline. Kevin unpacks a 230-year-old solution that the Founders placed in the Constitution. Kevin discusses the highlights of his new book, "Pirate Money."…
Our system has been rigged for too long to benefit the rich and powerful. Yet that wasn't the intent of the pioneers who founded and built America. When this country was first established, regular people had deep conversations and debates about money even 100 years ago. "What is money?" was a topic…
One hundred years ago, people thought money was a topic worth discussing. Before that, the founders talked about it all the time. Well, it's about to become a great topic again with central bank digital currency. Take a look at a $20 bill. Is this money? Unequivocally, yes. Today it is. But by…
Thanks to our private property rights in this country, there is an economic incentive to extract minerals to produce vital energy. The oil that is extracted powers our lives. We take energy for granted, but over 3.5 billion people only have intermittent electricity enough to power a refrigerator.…
Want to know why all of a sudden, American corporations have suddenly gone so woke? At first glance, you think it can't be about the money. Budweiser, Disney, and Target — they've all lost billions in sales and billions in market capital. But when you look behind the headlines, you learn it is…
Tired of inflation devaluing your money? Rod Martin, one of the PayPal founding team members, explains how a new proposed gold-backed, state-backed Digital Texan currency could be done in a way that is precisely the same as the way people use bank accounts or PayPal accounts now. You have digital…