Join Kevin Freeman in a special edition of the "Economic War Room," filmed at Liberty University, where he welcomes Dr. Jim Garlow to discuss pivotal global issues. They dive into the World Health Organization's troubling pandemic treaty, the ongoing conflict in Israel, and the rising…
Kevin Freeman And Mike Carter Join WarRoom To Discuss How They Plan To Combat The Inflation Crisis - CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE INTERVIEW!
The U.S. dollar is in trouble. The Federal Reserve continues to fiddle with the money supply and interest rates, but the dollar continues to decline. Kevin unpacks a 230-year-old solution that the Founders placed in the Constitution. Kevin discusses the highlights of his new book, "Pirate Money."…
Our system has been rigged for too long to benefit the rich and powerful. Yet that wasn't the intent of the pioneers who founded and built America. When this country was first established, regular people had deep conversations and debates about money even 100 years ago. "What is money?" was a topic…
Want to know why all of a sudden, American corporations have suddenly gone so woke? At first glance, you think it can't be about the money. Budweiser, Disney, and Target — they've all lost billions in sales and billions in market capital. But when you look behind the headlines, you learn it is…
Major General Bob Dees joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss the greatest threat to America: our own economy and national debt. As a military strategist, General Dees understands the key elements of national power. In this day and age, he identifies the primary space for conflict…
The American dollar has been the primary reserve currency since World War II. If our adversaries get their way, it will be replaced sooner than we’d like. And when it is replaced, it likely will be a cryptocurrency at the heart of the new system. Kevin Freeman provides an introductory primer on…
We have a Constitution that guarantees our liberties, but that does not mean unscrupulous radicals won’t be able to sway the people with deception or coercion, or tempt them into enslaving themselves. We see a propaganda war, and we also see the universal implementation of contemporary technologies…
Concerned about your money, inflation, and what economic warfare really means? As the U.S. is targeting Russia with economic warfare, some of those same economic weapons could soon be pointed at you. Social credit, equity, diversity, and inclusion could all play into the next U.S. digital dollar.…
e economic wars. The first is the foreign economic war against China and the axis of evil. The second is the domestic economic war, which is really about globalists and the elitists of the World Economic Forum and how they want to subjugate you. The third war is the hardest to win but is the most…