The Two Mikes had the pleasure of meeting and listening to Kevin D. Freeman, a veteran specialist in global investing and the author of the new book Pirate Money: Discovering the Founders Plan Hidden Plan for Economic Justice and Defeating the Great Reset. Mr. Freeman explained that America’s Founders were “hard money” men, insisting the new nation’s currency be based on gold and silver, but preferably gold. He said that the word dollar was nothing new in the Founders era, it came from Spain’s milled dollars, they were often referred to as “pieces of eight”. The Founders had no use for paper money because it was hard to control but easy to print, and often provided a light to the fuse that started inflation. Hard money, throughout history, has been a medium that – unlike paper money – preserves its own worth. Nothing proves the dangers of paper money, then the fact that the U.S. dollar, which was worth 100 cents in the early 1970s, is now worth only 12 cents of that 1970 dollar.