Join Kevin Freeman as he dives into a groundbreaking interview with Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake in the Economic War Room, where they shed light on their book, "The Courage to Face COVID-19." Witness how Dr. McCullough, hailed as a fearless leader during the pandemic, exposes the failures of…
Kevin Freeman and Paul Allen, a successful entrepreneur known for founding Ancestry.com, talk about his career and current projects. One of Paul's exciting projects is Citizen Portal, which utilizes AI to inform citizens about government proceedings and improve democratic engagement. He expresses…
We have a battle between cultures. A top-down culture turning people into cattle and serfs on the plantation: That is the World Economic Forum's push. Its leaders claim that they're diversity, equity, and inclusion, but they're not. They're the opposite. They claim to care about the environment,…
When it was discovered in the early 1930s, the East Texas oil field was the largest known reserve in the world. Ten years down the road in 1941, that tremendous amount of oil proved absolutely essential in the Allies' fight for freedom from the Nazis. Within one month of the Pearl Harbor attack and…
Have you heard about the controversy over "Sound of Freedom"? That's one of this year's top-performing movies. It touches on a subject that the elite don't like: human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children. But unless you were paying attention, you probably never even knew that it was…
PragerU reports that 16% of Gen Z adults are proud to live in America, compared to 73% of Baby Boomers. That is to be expected when we have been pouring the poison of cultural Marxism into our education system for decades. Our kids have been taught America is bad. It's evil, and we've got a…
Black Lives Matter is selling a message of division, not bringing people together. Bishop E.W. Jackson shares how BLM is really racial communism. Racial communism teaches that capitalism must be destroyed and reparations must be wrenched from the oppressor. It’s about leveraging race over class…
An economic war on entertainment is going on in America. Has China decided Hollywood is one of the key American industries it wants to influence? Money controls the agenda and what gets produced. Too often the films that are funded are the ones that bring a leftist worldview. Is there a plan to…
The war between liberty and totalitarianism is being fought beyond politics. Part of the economic war is a culture war. Culture is upstream of politics. Watch any movie or entertainment show today, and the leftists have gone so woke that they feel they have to make their point directly in…
Kevin Freeman provides highlights of his Pentagon economic threat assessment report. Enter the Economic War Room to see some of the external and internal threats America is facing. As a nation, we have never before faced such unique and credible threats to our very way of life. See why we built the…