Kevin Freeman talks with Flashpoint to discuss the impact of inflation and other Biden economic policies.Click Here to Watch the Interview.
A look at the political similarities of the mid-1970s and today.  Kevin Freeman discusses one of America’s most severe economic impacts and why it may be returning. Globalization, a new energy crisis, inflation, and a potential loss of the reserve of currency: It is time to review your…
Kevin Freeman highlights the gravity of America's ballooning national debt, which nears a staggering $35 trillion. With an urgency that cannot be understated, Freeman draws attention to the fiscal quicksand the country is wading into — an almost incomprehensible financial burden that has accrued…
Kevin Freeman And Mike Carter Join WarRoom To Discuss How They Plan To Combat The Inflation Crisis - CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE INTERVIEW!
Recently RedBalloon.work and PublicSq.com surveyed 60,000 freedom economy businesses. The findings of the survey have a very low margin of error and reveal the sentiments of small businesses across the country, and it is not the same narrative being put out by the government. With almost $34…
Tired of inflation devaluing your money? Rod Martin, one of the PayPal founding team members, explains how a new proposed gold-backed, state-backed Digital Texan currency could be done in a way that is precisely the same as the way people use bank accounts or PayPal accounts now. You have digital…
ALERT:  What worked well with your investments over the past 40 years may not work so well going forward! America could be facing an inflection point that may turn investing upside down. The geopolitical and economic environment is changing dramatically. Those who miss the change will not only…
Dr. Gal Luft joins the Economic War Room to discuss his new book, De-Dollarization: The Revolt Against the Dollar and the Rise of a New Financial World Order. Dr. Luft, an expert on energy, economics, and currencies, warns American politicians of the importance of understanding geo-economics even…
We are hearing more of give us free this and give us free that as the 2020 presidential election approaches.  America is a developed nation, there is no way we are going down the path of Zimbabwe or Germany. Never mind the twenty three trillion dollars and growing debt that we have. Kevin…
Charles Mizrahi rose from being a Wall Street floor trader at the age of 20 to being listed as Barron’s top stock picker by the age of 35! Now he wants to share key real-world insights every investor should consider. If we can keep politicians and mandates out of the free markets, the stock market…