Oct 02, 2023
The Economic War Room hosted a legislative summit to strategize the implementation of Article One Section Ten State-Based Gold and Silver-Backed currency. This ...
Jun 19, 2023
Our most recent holiday, signed into law by President Biden, is loved by progressives. But I love it too, although for maybe different reasons. I love the impac...
Mar 12, 2023
It’s been a while since bank failures hit our headlines before this past week. But the norm in America has been one financial crisis every decade or so. What�...
Aug 23, 2022
I have a new book coming out. Sadly, it helps make sense of all the disparate crises we’ve endured the past few years. It explains how things have changed so ...
Apr 09, 2022
If I were writing an advertisement to sell a newsletter subscription, I’d hype the “Founder’s Secret” idea. You’d read it and be invited to watch a 30...
Mar 17, 2022
Unless you have been under a rock the past few weeks, you know that the major news story has been Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine. You have been blasted with...
Nov 05, 2021
There was a monumental political statement this week from voters. The far left should have gotten the message. I suppose they did because their response seems t...
Aug 11, 2021
Never Forget! And yet, we have forgotten, and we have been shamed into ignoring the important lessons of the tragedy of 20 years ago. The stain of our r...
May 31, 2021
As we close Memorial Day, it’s a time to reflect on the resilience of America. There is no doubt that we are under a double-barreled assault from enemies, for...
Feb 04, 2021
Inflationary pressures are building but the risk is almost unnoticed. No matter where you look, you should see clear signals that prices are on the rise. If you...
Dec 21, 2020
It is now viewed as “conspiracy theory” to consider whether or not voting machines can be hacked to change an election. This in itself is telling because&nb...
Oct 20, 2020
The Obama-Biden administration weaponized the Intelligence Community (IC) against a legitimate Presidential candidate and later set in motion a plan to take dow...