5G | Guest: Declan Ganley, CEO of Rivada Networks | Ep 13

Dec 20, 2018 Dec 20, 2018
Remember the internet boom and then the smart phone revolution? This is the next big economic growth opportunity. 5G is not just an incremental change in commun... Read more.

Socialism - Part 2 | Guest: Lt. Col. Allen West (ret), Bob McEwen, Former US Congressman, Frank Gaffney, Founder Center for Security Policy | Ep 12

Socialism Education Communism Millenials
Dec 13, 2018 Dec 13, 2018
Socialism is really not about helping others. See how socialism is based on a faulty premise and ultimately leads to communism. Think Europe has the answer? Ber... Read more.

Debt - Part 1 | Ep 9

Debt Currency
Nov 29, 2018 Nov 29, 2018
The United States has moved from the number one creditor nation in the world to the number 1 debtor nation in the world. Our enemies see our debt as a weapon. S... Read more.

Debt - Part 2 | Guest: John Mauldin, CEO Mauldin Economics | Ep 10

Debt Currency
Nov 29, 2018 Nov 29, 2018
U.S. debt, while it may look impossible, there is hope. Learn solutions to protect your investments in the next economic crisis. Most important, discover what w... Read more.

One-on-One with Everett Piper | Guest: Everett Piper, President, Oklahoma Wesleyan University | Ep 7

Education College University Indoctrination
Nov 15, 2018 Nov 15, 2018
Join Kevin Freeman and Dr. Everett Piper, author of Not a Daycare, as they review the role of higher education in society. Culture, religion, and morality are u... Read more.

China Rx | Guest: Rosemary Gibson, Author & Senior Advisor for The Hastings Center | Ep 6

Medicine Pharmaceuticals
Nov 08, 2018 Nov 08, 2018
Americans have died from tainted generic drugs made in China. The U.S. is dependent on China for our critical life saving medications. China makes 1000’s of m... Read more.

Stock Market | Guest: John Mauldin, CEO Mauldin Economics, David Tice, President Tice Capital | Ep 5

Market Investing
Nov 01, 2018 Nov 01, 2018
A bear market follows every bull market. The coming bear market could be worse than others. Did you know that Markets can decline even if the economy is good. Y... Read more.

Energy Part 2 | Guest: Troy Andrews | Ep 4

Oct 25, 2018 Oct 25, 2018
Discover the many benefits of America’s Energy Renaissance! Affordable fuel is only one component. Learn about new energy investment opportunities. Don’t mi... Read more.